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New York, USA 15-06-2017

Emerging Trends In Indian Microfinance Industry; Role Of Financial Technology And Inclusive Policies
Page(s): 1-4  
Author M. Ravindar Reddy, Muhammed Shafi. M.K  
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WRL Cited By- 129
Managementinnovation Strategy To Face The Competition Of Domesticcommercial Flight Business In Indonesia Case Study: Garuda Indonesia Airline
Page(s): 05-10  
Author S. Rendy Ardiansyah  
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WRL Cited By- 127
Contextualism As A Basis For An Environmental Architectural Design In A Globalized World
Page(s): 11-15  
Author Ulku Ozten, Hakan Anay  
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WRL Cited By- 123
Mitigation And Management Level Planning To Landslide, Study Case: Ngadimulyo Village, And Tumenggungan Village, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Page(s): 16-21  
Author Nafil Rabbani Attamimi, Nadzira Fadhilah, Deyana Lutfita Kanos, Hilman Taris  
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WRL Cited By- 129
Development of a Flat Sheet Woven Fabric Membrane Fermenter For Xylanase Production By Thermomyces Lanuginosus
Page(s): 22-27  
Author V Thorulsley, S Rathilal, S Ramsuroop, Vl Pillay  
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WRL Cited By- 122
On Program And Programming In Higher Education In Architecture In Turkey
Page(s): 28-31  
Author Ulku Ozten, Hakan Anay  
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WRL Cited By- 123
Study Of Academic Stress And Emotional Stability Of Children Of Working And Non Working Mothers In Relation To Their Self-Concept
Page(s): 32-34  
Author Monika  
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WRL Cited By- 119
Environmental Impact Of Tobacco Smokes And Human Health Issues
Page(s): 35-37  
Author Benedict A. Ogbonna, Benardanayo Udeh., Anthony Echezonnaonyema  
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WRL Cited By- 119
ERP Decision Support System Using Multi Objective Optimization� An Exploratory Study
Page(s): 57-64  
Author Ghaleb Y. Abbasi, Israa H. Abu Rumman  
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WRL Cited By- 120
Towards The Holistic Improvement Of Technical Education Service Quality
Page(s): 65  
Author Somadatta B Karanjekar, Ramesh R Lakhe, Vishwas S Deshpande  
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WRL Cited By- 121

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