Paper Title
Measuring The Economic Value Of Minor League Sports: A Guide For Team Owners And Urban Planners

The American public, as well as those in many other countries, has long been fascinated with athletes, sports teams, and sports events. As a result, one of the many dilemmas confronting city managers and urban planners in their efforts to serve their residents is whether to seek to add a professional sports team to their city’s entertainment mix. Thus, one of the most critical questions is: How much economic value would there be to having a professional sports team in the city? This study’s results suggest that there can be a significant positive economic effect from having a minor-league baseball team in a city. However, variations among communities necessitates this analysis be made on a case-by-case basis—and our model provides a methodology for such an examination across different cities and types of sports. Index Terms- Economic impact, multiplier effect, sports expenditures, value of professional sports.