Paper Title
Indoor Disaster Evacuation System: Routing Optimization

Modern buildings are often composed of complex indoor compartments. A fire emergency leads toserious casualties and economical losses, while the damage can be mitigated by proper and efficient evacuation. This study focuses on dynamic guiding for fire evacuation. The conventional fire evacuation system is to place the escape signs near the exits and label directions on the walls. The conventional system is too static to guide evacuees leaving the building when the fire may spread to different locations and block the original excavation routes to the exits. Besides, the heavy smoke caused by fire may blur the vision of evacuees. The present study intends to develop a fire evacuation guiding system, which provides a mobile application to be implemented in dynamic evacuation situations. The mobile application is run in smart phones with the system integrated bya layout database and sensors. When evacuees move, the proposed system will indicate their locations by linking to the sensors, calculate the shortest path to the exits by the Dijkstra’s algorithm, and send the suggested path to the mobile application. When fire spreads, the system would dynamically re-calculate the path and update the direction on the mobile device. The proposed systemis demonstrated in a case study. Keywords - Fire evacuation, shortest path, disaster mitigation, routing.