Paper Title
Interdisciplinary Mathematics for Gifted Students

Interdisciplinary activities are ways for differentiating tasks and provide valuable applications for gifted students in regular classrooms. In this study, gifted students’ views and actions were investigated to see how interdisciplinary learning integrated into mathematics education affect their relational understanding and motivation to mathematics. From this point of view, in three 6th grade classrooms in Marmaris, Turkey, interdisciplinary activities and projects were conducted. In these classrooms, there were 60 students and 11 of them were identified as gifted students by using standardized tests. During 2016-2017 Educational year, activities integrating science & math, social sciences & math, math & English, math & Turkish, math & art, math & Music were applied with all students in classroom. Moreover, as term project, interdisciplinary project option was also provided to students. During the implementations, classroom observations and semi structured interviews were conducted with students. Qualitative data obtained from gifted students in classrooms were analyzed with the help of constant-comparative analysis method. As findings of the study, it was seen that gifted students were more keen on disciplinary activities and they were prone to discover the relationships between lessons. It was seen that students could see the application of math in other fields and this helped gifted students to find answers for their related questions. Also, almost all gifted students voluntarily chose interdisciplinary projects as terms paper; creatively and successfully accomplished their tasks in project. All these data reflected that interdisciplinary approach in mathematics education allowed gifted students relate mathematics to real life and other disciplines in life. Moreover, it also helped to increase their motivation to the lesson made them more curious about mathematical concepts. To conclude, this study demonstrated that interdisciplinary activities could be a beneficial way to differentiate or accommodate lesson for gifted students’ specialized needs in educational environments. Keyword- Gifted, Interdisciplinary, Mathematics