Paper Title
Modified RSA Algorithm Based on Key Generation

Asymmetric key based algorithms which use a pair of keys, one for encryption, and the other for decryption, whose security is higher as compared to the symmetric ones but lack in time efficiency. RSA Algorithm is a public-key cryptography and is considered as one of the great advances in the field of public key cryptography. Furthermore, in the study of Aggarwal, D. and Maurer U. they show that that e -th roots modulo n with non-negligible probability can be used to factor n. In this regard, factorization attack is the main weakness of the RSA Algorithm based on the ā€˜eā€™ and ā€˜nā€™ which are the public keys used for encryption. With this, the study aims to modify an RSA Algorithm based on key generation of new value of public key e and modulus n to utilized or increased the security against factorization attack and increased the security of encryption and decryption process of the message. Keywords- RSA Algorithm, Key generation, modulus, public key, private key