Paper Title
Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility in Sri Lanka: Empirical Evidence from Granger Causality Test

This empirical study investigates the causal relationship between Total fertility rate (Tfer) and women labor force participation rate (Wemp) over a period 1980-2017 in Sri Lanka. As first a unit root analysis is employed for all variables using ADF method to test stationary of the variables. All variables are confirmed to be integrated of orders zero or I (0). Thenthe Johansen Co - integration test isperformed to see the existence of long run relationship among the non-stationary variables. Finally,the Engle-Granger test is employed to describe the direction of the causality between the two variables,total fertility rate and women labor force participation rate. The findings from this empirical study showsthat an increase in women labour force participation rate reduces the total fertility rate in Sri Lanka. Therefore, government can implement policies such as giving the same job opportunities to women without being bias and also promoting more jobs that suitable for women. Keywords - Total fertility, Women labor force participation, Casualty test, Sri Lanka, ADF test