Paper Title
Adoption and use of Cyber Security in Cameroon: Link between Individual Perceptions and Intention to Perform Security Related Behavior.

More and more in our organizations, information systems security is already considered as a management function generally attached to the managerial team. Despite the fact that computer security has found a place in the business, the fact remains that many users still consider security problems as primarily technical. Forgetting that in the chain of information systems security, the human being has a primordial place. Indeed, many problems related to computer security today are of a human nature. Hence the goal of this work is to study individual perceptions of cyber security and behavioral intentions related to cyber security that push individuals to adopt cyber security attitudes. To lay the theoretical foundations of this study, we have developed a research model that takes into account two theories, including Unified Theory of Acceptance and Utilization of Technology and Health Belief Model. The adopted methodology highlights a mixed research method that can be summed up in four main phases, including the pilot, the pre-test, the final administration of the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview sessions. These data collections were carried out in some public and parastatal Cameroonian companies both for the administration of the questionnaire and for interviews. With target population employees of these governments using a computer on a daily basis. In total, 150 respondents to the questionnaires were collected and 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The analysis of these results was done using two software programs, including "XLSTAT" and "SmartPLS" for the quantitative component and by means of a content analysis for the qualitative component. Theoretical and managerial implications have emerged from this work, which should be remembered in relation to a developing countries. Keywords - Adoption, use, cyber security; individual perception, Cameroon.