Paper Title
The Role of Local Administration Organization in the Community’s Economic Development

The research article on The Role of Local Administrative Organization in the Community’s Economic Development aims to delineate various roles or functions of the Local Administration Organization in the sphere of economic development it has been found that at least 4 factors or conditions that are involved Firstly, relatively right bureaucratic roles and regulations are obstacles to the flexibility in local administration Secondly, these exists no autonomy in local fiscal management Thirdly, there exist obstacles in organizing public services and capital investment Fourthly, there prevails lack of date base favorable to the evaluation of the works performed and shortage of mechanism in bestowing responsibility to the local populace. The well know American socialist of the 1950 Broom and Selznick (1973 p. 36) classified 3 types of roles i.e. 1. Ideal role 2. Performed role 3. Perceived role At present over 4,000 local administrative bodies have been found unable to effectively deliver people services to the following 1. Small income dispositional to the expenses 2. Excusive number of local government due to the smallness of the unit 3. Too many types of local administrative bodies 4. Management of Local Government, Procurement, Public activities are also limited. 5. Redundancy in power with each other. Local government organizations have restrictions on the provision of public services that affect public service standards. Index Terms - The Role of Local Administration, Local Administration, The Community Economic