Paper Title
The Importance of Co-Operation Among Family and Preschool Institutions

Through this article, it is strengthened the importance of effective and continuous cooperation and communication between the preschool and the family institution, every participation, every involvement and every information affects the development of their children. Preschool institutions should co-operate in an organized, planned and ongoing manner with the family. This cooperation is very important and indispensable for both the family and the school. Education of the child and its development depends regarding this cooperation. In order to achieve the common goals of education, cooperation, coordination and harmonization of all educational factors is needed. Through such co-operation, the school will know better the personality of the child, the family, their intellectual level, the cooperative and the interactive capacity. The school could benefit greatly from parents with different professions by engaging them in different activities. It is also important for the family to know more about school organization, working conditions, professional development of school staff, school achievements, curricular developments, and why not to participate in decision-making issue. Through qualitative research method the research is conducted. and both educators of preschool institutions and parents gave their opinions and attitudes about the importance of co-operation between preschool and family. Keyword - Cooperation, education, family, pre-school institutions