Paper Title
Synthesis of Some Novel Butyrophenone Substituted As Asteroids and Evaluation Of Antipsychotic Activity.
The present study is undertaken to investigate the pharmacological activities of azasteroids. Haloperidol has been taken as lead. The major approach implied in present study is to synthesize azasteroidal butyrophenone, in which butyrophenone is attached to the 6 position of azacholesterol, 17a- position of azaandrostenolone ring, and 4- position of azaandrostan. In present study the Compouns7: 6-[3’-(p-Fluorobenzoyl)propyl]-6-aza-5α-cholesterol ,Compound15: 17a-[3’-(p Fluorobenzoyl)propyl]-17a-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3β-ol, Compound20: 4-[3’-(p-Fluorobenzoyl)propyl]-4-aza-5α-androstan-17β-ol are found to be effective antipsychotics. Compound 7 and Compound 15 show activity comparable to haloperidol. The observed behaviour alterations may be due to dopaminergic supersensitivity in nigrosrtiatal structure. The present study demonstrated that the administration of these compounds did not aggravate extrapyramidal side effects as compared to Haloperidol. This may be due to its possible affinities for 5-HT receptors. Furthermore neurosteroids are specific mediator of GABAA receptor which regulates the neuronal activity through diverse neurotransmitter mechanism.
Index terms- Antipsychotics, Azasteroids, butyrophenones, stereotypic behavoiur