Paper Title
Intelligent Common Criteria Evaluation and Qualitative Contribution Evaluation for Faculty Members with Data Analytics

Most of State Universities and Colleges (SUC) in the Philippines are using standardized faculty evaluation that is called Common Criteria Evaluation (CCE) and Qualitative Contribution Evaluation (QCE). Romblon State University used a manual process method to evaluate the performance of the faculty each semester which unexpected errors could be encountered, and it requires more time and tedious work. In this paper, An Intelligent Common Criteria Evaluation and Qualitative Contribution Evaluation for faculty members with data analytics system was developed that would speed up the teachers’ evaluation process of the Romblon State University and applying data analytics in presenting the result of the teaching evaluation. Also, it helps the director in identifying needs of faculty members to enhance their competencyand to lessen their time spent in processing, encoding, and computing the evaluation.The study was evaluated using the criteria of ISO 25010 which conceived that the system satisfied the users based on the result and findings of the survey as it obtained 4.54 rating which is interpreted as excellent. Indexterms - Faculty Performance Evaluation, Common Criteria Evaluation, Qualitative Contribution Evaluation, Data Analytics