Paper Title
Comparison of Physical Fitness Level of Students of Smpn 33 Makassar with Students of Smpn 2 Pallangga Kabupaten Gowa
This study aims to determine and compare the level of physical fitness of students who live in cities and students who live in the village. The type of this research is descriptive comparative. The population of this study were students of SMPN 33 Makassar and students of SMPN 2 Pallangga Gowa Regency with the number of research samples each 30 people with a total of 60 students aged 13-15 years selected using simple random sampling technique. In this study data in the form of data that is the result of physical fitness test results. Technically the measurement is only one test instrument that is physical fitness test of Indonesia (TKJI) to all samples. Before the calculation of descriptive statistics first transformed the transformed data into the score or seen how the score score, after that then do the calculation of descriptive statistics, test data normality with Kolmogorov-smirnov and homogeneity test with levene's test and followed by testing the hypothesis with t test that is processed with SPSS version 20 program with 95% significance or 5% error rate. Based on the results of data analysis, this study concludes that the level of physical fitness students SMPN 33 Makassar same with students SMPN 2 Pallangga Gowa regency because there is no significant difference in physical fitness level of students SMPN 33 Makassar with students SMPN 2 Pallangga Gowa District after tested the value of tcount more. Smaller than ttable value so that there is no significant difference but there is a mean difference of 0.10 where the value of TKJI Students SMPN 2 Pallangga greater that 15.73 than the value of TKJI students SMPN 33 Makassar of 15.63.
Keywords - Physical Fitness, Physical Fitness Tests Indonesia, Comparison