Paper Title
Gender Power in 2013 Curriculum-based Text Book of Bahasa Indonesia for 10th Grade High School Students

This research employ Discourse analysis model which is modified from Sara Mills and Norman Fairclough. The aim of this research is to find the morphological features and the syntactic features in the text filled with gender power on the 2013 Curriculum-based Text Book of Bahasa Indonesia for 10th Grade High School Student. The design of the research is descriptive qualitative. On this research, the researcher becomes the main instrument. The research data taken from the whole text of the text book, while the source of the data are from the text book of Bahasa Indonesia published by The Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia 2013 for 10th grade under the title of “Bahasa Indonesia Ekspresi Diri dan Akademik”, whether it is a literature text or a non-literature text. The data then analyzed through the subject and object determination phase, language description phase, interpretation phase, and explanation phase. The data analysis result shows that the gender power which is found on the text book marked by the using of person marking, suffix, particle, command sentence, prohibition, request, and suggestion. The morphological features used by the author to show the gender power on the text book are kamu, kalian, mereka, Tukang Pedati, Hakim, Pembuat Jembatan, Tukang Kayu, Ali, Pak Dosen, Ahmad. The other morphological features are the using of –lah particle, -kan suffix, and –i on the word base to emphasize command. The syntactic features on the text marked by several negative sentences and prohibition, request, suggestion, and question. Those characteristic consistently use inside the text book. It indicates that the writer show gender power but hide it from the students as a reader through greetings, command, prohibition, request, and suggestion. Based on the identification of the morphological and syntactic features, the researcher found that there are domination, marginalization, and subordination from masculine gender to feminine gender. Keywords - Gender Power, Morphological Features, Syntactic Features