Paper Title
Sibaliparriq Culture Dynamics in Mandar Community

Changes and dynamics in a society and culture is a very essential feature and is a phenomenon that always color the journey of history of every society and culture. Every society has always undergone a transformation, so that no one else people who have the same portrait in different times, both traditional and modern society community. The changes show encouraging, but also worrying when viewed from the side of cultural development. Sibaliparriq is one of the values of local wisdom of Mandar people, not only in the household environment but has become a culture adopted by the Mandar community in the life of the community.Sibaliparriq is a concept that was born in the family for the welfare of his family with spouses and children camaraderie mutual aid, cooperation or work together to meet the needs of the family and in domestic affairs. As the concept of sibaliparriq in the family takes place, the family needs will be fulfilled and able to improve the family economy and will make family relationships become harmonious and lasting and cultural practices of sibaliparriq in family life occurs the dynamics of practice in the implications of sibaliparriq. Keywords - Cultural Dynamics, Sibaliparriq