Paper Title
The Effect of Using Flip Chart Learning Media Toward Students Biology Learning Outcomes
This study aimed at finding out the effect on using Flip Chart Learning media toward Students Biology Learning Outcomes. The type of the study was quasi-experimental research (quasi experiment). This study took two classes as the study sample was X.1class as experimental class which 36 students taught by using Flip Chart Learning media and a X.2 as a control class in which 36 students taught without using Flip Chart Learning media. To get the data, it was used the learning outcomes test results as the instrument of study, namely in the form of multiple choice, false and true, short answer. Data were analyzed descriptively aimed to know the score and the category of the students’ learning outcomes as well as inferential with Anacova-test. The findings showed that the students’ learning outcome score taught by using Flip Chart Learning media is High. While the students’ learning outcome score taught without using Flip Chart Learning media is fair. From the result of hypothesis testing using Anacova test obtained significant score sig (2-tailed) 0.00 ≤ α (0.05). then H0 hypothesis is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus it can be said that there is the effect on using Flip Chart Learning media toward Students Biology Learning Outcomes.
Keywords - Flip Chart, learning media, Invertebrate, learning outcomes.