Paper Title
Analytics and Visualization of Portable Sales Counter for Small-Scale Enterprise
A sales counter is a system operated by sales personnel to determine and record the goods bought by the customer. Information system provides a competitive advantage to companies, however, there are many factors that impede the adoption of information system in a small-scale business like the high cost for the implementation. Additionally, a typical sales counter is not portable and does not have innovative features like analytics, decision support system, and solution for long queue issue in the business. Hence, the study developed a portable sales counter application with analytics feature to determine the top-selling products, decision support system to predict the product sale by the quantity and suggests the quantity to restock for each product, and fast checkout component that quickly checks out the products that customer desires to acquire. The study conducted a survey with questions based on ISO/IEC DTR 9126-4 to five businesses and its customers to evaluate the application. The results of the survey revealed that the overall users are very satisfied with the application especially to its usability and portability criterion which obtained the highest mean over the other criterions.
Keywords- Inventory System; Analytics; Decision Support System; DSS; Sales Counter; Android app; Sales Counter