Paper Title
Contribution Of Cloud Service Providers To Education

The number of students and resource usage keep increasing each semester, education providers need to adopt cloud technology. To adopt cloud technology in education, the education provider needs to decide which cloud provider best suites. The attractiveness of cloud computing, which is the capability to run large applications on powerful, scalable hardware without needing to actually own or maintain this hardware is very important to education providers. This paper compared the three cloud providers� performance and decides which of them is the best for education. This paper compares the three giant cloud providers performance; Google, Windows Azure and Amazon Web Service. This paper used benchmarking tools to analyse factors to consider when testing for cloud performance. Different configurations of cloud instances were made on each cloud platform, keeping some factors at constant and varying a constant. The paper also reviews different learning methods in education and the best cloud provider�s service that will be advantageous to each learning method Keywords- Cloud Service Providers, Google, Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, Cloud Technology.