Paper Title
Investigating the Factors Influencing the Flow Behavior and Performance of Condensate Gas Reservoirs

Gas condensate reservoirs have become more and more important since late 30s because of explorations and deep drilling. Development and efficient production of these tanks require engineering and operational procedures, which makes these reservoirsdifferent from oil and gas reservoirs.By comparing dry gas and gas condensate reservoirs, very important parameters can be found that have an impact on the performance of gas condensate reservoirs.Precision of engineering calculations for gas-condensate systems (e.g. wells verification, estimation of recoverable gas, wellhead equipment, etc.) necessitates a deep understanding of the phase behavior of this system as well as the relationship between gas and condensates.When the pressure drops below the dew point pressure, reduction of the productivity of the well is crucial in the development of gas condensate fields.Reduction of the pressure to below the dew point makes condensate go out of gas phase and create a saturation of condensates near the well leading to reduced production and productivity of the reservoirs.Predicting the performance of gas condensate reservoirs requires modeling of two-phase relative permeability near the wellbore and this permeability itself is a function of the change in capillary number.Better mobility of fluid because of high capillary number is the most important phenomenon that can be seen in the zone around the wellhead in condensate gas reservoirs while, non-Darcy flow which mainly occurs due to high speeds in reservoirs tend to reduce fluid mobility. Keywords - Condensate Gas Reservoirs, Fluid, Dew Point, Factor Productivity