Paper Title
Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour; The Measurement Model in Sri Lankan Context

Much of the scholarly concentration on leadership behaviours and the effect of this leadership dichotomy on various organizational and individual outcomes stems from the extensive belief that it improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organization. However, more research studies on authentic leadership and organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and the testing of the goodness of measure of these variables focus on western context while similar effort in Sri Lankan context rather scant. Therefore, the general objective of this paper is to validate the conceptualization of authentic leadership and OCB in the Sri Lankan Context. Data were gathered through a survey by using a structured questionnaire from public sector utility organizations in Sri Lanka. As per the discussion basically, two main criteria called reliability and validity have to be achieved to confirm the goodness of the measure. Internal reliability and composite reliability scales were commonly employed to asses construct reliability of the intended constructs. Convergent validity achieved through Average Variance Extracted and factor loadings. Discriminant validity evaluated by assessing the cross loadings, Fornel-Larcker criterion, and Heterotrait- Monotrait Ratio of correlation (HTMT). All validity and reliability indicators including items’ loadings, composite reliability, and average variance extracted (AVE), and square roots of the AVE and HTMT correlations have demonstrated high coefficients. Hence, findings demonstrated that the authentic leadership and OCB constructs could be used for future studies in Sri Lankan context. Using the PLS technique, this study provides significant contribution to knowledge by validating and conceptualizing the concepts. Keywords - Authentic Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Measurement, Reliability, Convergent Validity, Discriminant Validity