Paper Title
Prospects for The Use of Accelerated Methods And Portable Test Systems Dna And Immunodiagnostics for Monitoring Anthropogenic and Natural Toxicants in The Objects of Sanitary Surveillance Under Non-Stationary Conditions
Conducted theoretical experimental assessment methods, portable test systems, DNA and immunoassay (immunochromatographic indicatory elements, DNA and immunophenotype) for suitability in monitoring of natural and anthropogenic toxicants in the objects of sanitary surveillance in non-stationary conditions.
Immunoassay analysis is based on the course of immune response "antigen-antibody" with the movement of the test liquid sample according to a composite membrane and a visual accounting of the results by the presence or absence of painted areas with immobilized immunoreagents. Evaluation of the results of immunoassay analysis were correlated with testimony videocatalogue domain reflectometer "Relcom". The application of reflectometric registration increased sensitivity of detection compared to visual observation result of the operator. However, reflectometry allows to reduce such factors of subjectivity in the evaluation of the result of person as the illumination of the workplace, fatigue, or individual peculiarities of perception of colors and saturation lines immunochromatography. Conducted experimental evaluation of methods for determination of bacteria using DNA chips. The analysis was performed according to the modified method, including the selection of bacteria, lysis and DNA clean-up. Data analysis showed that hybridization occurs only in the homologous systems (immobilized DNA and a DNA probe of the same species of bacteria. Shown their high sensitivity, specificity, speed, and the possibility of implementing them in the field. Based on import substitution, it is recommended to use a domestic analogy, which is not inferior in quality to foreign.
Keywords - Monitoring natural and anthropogenic toxicants, sanitary control facilities immunochromatographic display elements (IDE) Immunomicrochip DNA technology.