Paper Title
The Application of Social Capital to Promote Sustainable Community Development in Samutsongkhram Province
This paper aims to thoroughly study and crystallize lesson learned on the application of social capital to promote sustainable community development in SamutSongkram province. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies were implemented. 400 residents (N) in SamutSongkram were selected in the population. Questionnaires were utilized as a tool. In the quantitative methodology, community leaders, residents and local governmental officials were selected. Additional tools were as follows: documents related to projects and plans, in-depth interview, group interview and observation forms. Quantitative data analysis was done according to “structural equation modeling (SEM)” by utilizing LISREL program. While the qualitative one, the content was analyzed. It was found that the social capital primarily influenced the sustainable community development was social network and, secondarily knowledge management and way of life based on sufficiency economy philosophy, respectively. Although homeland consciousness did not contribute to the sustainable development directly, it did influence significantly in an indirect way. It can be synthesized from the research that the sustainable development should begin with homeland consciousness in the community’s residents; the sufficiency economy philosophy must be adopted in a lifestyle. As a result, these should help bringing people together leading to a social network and the knowledge management of individual local wisdom should be utilized.
Index Terms - Social capital, Homeland consciousness and Sustainable development