Paper Title
Toxicity Reduction Of Nano-AG-PVP With Biomaterial

This study presents a method for the reduction of ecotoxicity of Ag-polyvinylpirrolidone (Ag-PVP) from environmentally friendly biologenic substance hydra protein and hydra peptide. Physicochemical properties of Ag-PVP were analyzed by FE-TEM,X-RD and HR-Raman. Ecotoxicitywere exposed to Ag-PVP (1 mg / L), Ag-PVP + hydra protein and Ag-PVP + hydra peptide in zebrafish embryos. The toxicity was investigated with hatching rate and abnormal rate. The hydra proteins and peptides extracted from hydra magnipapillata decreased the toxicity of Ag-PVP. In addition, mRNA sequencing analysis confirmed the gene mutation by Ag-PVP. Keywords: Nano-material, Ag-PVP, hydra protein, reduction toxicities, micro array.