Paper Title
Information System Analysis Of Small-Medium Industry Management (Sme) In Bandung Indonesia

This study aims to identify and analyze the problems and weaknesses of the Information Systems of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung, and then provide the best solution. This study uses thedescriptiveanalytical method with FAST methodology approach (Framework for the Application of System Technique) and JAD techniques (Joint Application Development). The results show that there are weaknesses in general management of the company, that is the obscurity of the organizational structure and job description of each function, such as the procedures of inventory management, production process, purchasing, and the sale of goods. The results of the study are expected to provide discourse and improvement for SMEs in Bandung Indonesia, specifically in improving the quality of products and services to consumers. Keywords: Information Systems, Inventory Information Systems, Sales Information Systems, Information Systems, Purchases, Production Information Systems, Information Systems Analysis, Small and Medium Enterprises.