Paper Title
Analyses Of Move Structure, Tense, And Voice Of Published Research Article Abstracts Between Linguistics And Applied Linguistics

This paper aims at investigating move structure, tense and voice of published research article abstracts between linguistics and applied linguistics. There were two corpora of linguistics and applied linguistics randomly selected of 25 each. Swales and Feak’s (2009) five-move pattern was used to identify move structure. Verb tenses and voices were also investigated. The findings of the study revealed that 8 percent of both linguistics and applied linguistics followed Swales and Feak’s (2009) five-move pattern. In terms of the occurrence of obligatory move found that M2 and M3 tended to be obligatory in both linguistics and applied linguistics abstracts. Regarding the prefer tense and voice of research article abstracts found that present simple tense tended to occur the most frequency in both linguistics and applied linguistics. According to the results of the study, pedagogical implication in writing research article abstracts from the two disciplined were discussed. Keywords- Move Structure, Research Article Abstracts, Tense, Voice.