Paper Title
FDI Spillover Effect on Asia Pacific Capital Productivity Determinants

This paper presents a modified design of Extensive Growth Method in the area of calculating capital productivity in some selected Asia Pacific countries such as (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China, India, Australia and New Zealand) over the period of 1970 to 2012. This paper showed that human capital intensity provides the potential effects of FDI inflows to enhance the capital productivity as an input driven economy. In addition, the contribution of human capital intensity offers the strongest evidence in influencing capital productivity. Furthermore, based on TFP per unit of capital, the selected Asian Pacific economic growth (excepted Japan and South Korea) considered being input driven and highly dependent on FDI inflow per unit of capital, labour force per capital, and human capital intensity. Keywords - FDI spillover effects, Asian Pacific countries, capital productivity growth, investment-driven.