Paper Title
Propagation Model for Permutation-Scanning Worms based on Discrete Time System

In recent years, both sophistication and damage potential of Internet worms have increased tremendously. Since a new type of worm is written for each new exploit discovered, the only way to make network secure is development of systems that can react fast enough so that the spreading of any new type of worm is curtailed before it does much damage. To understand their threat, it is needed to look into their payload for signatures as well as propagation pattern for Internet-scale behavior. Traditionally, most modeling work in this area concentrates on the relatively simple random-scanning worms. Modeling the spread of permutation scanning worms can help us understand how these worms spread, and how we can monitor and defend against the propagation of worms effectively. A mathematical model is proposed that precisely characterizes the propagation patterns of the general permutation-scanning worms. In order to evaluate the effects of hit-list and permutation scanning a simulator is modeled based on discrete time system with vast internet and tested for all possible different cases. Through simulation setup we analyze that permutation scanning worms can infect the hosts in the network very fast and effectively compared to random scanning worms Keywords- Worm attacks, Discrete Time System and Permutation-Scanning.