Paper Title
Association of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Overnight Shifts among Physicians and Interns in Jeddah: a Cross Sectional Study

background: Irritable bowel syndrome was found to be influenced by stressful careers. Studies on physicians indicated that working in outpatient clinics, having day shifts, poor quality of sleep, and high level of anxiety and depression were significantly associated with IBS. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of IBS among physicians and interns, and its relation to overnight calls in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: 260physicians and interns in Jeddah at king Fahad hospital, maternity and children hospital, king Abdul-Aziz hospital Saudi Arabia were surveyed. Females constituted (60%) of participants. About (83.5%) were Saudis and (47.7%) were married. Participants filled questionnaires anonymously. following an informed consent. Questionnaires included their parts: part 1: contains seven demographic questions: part 2: includes questions about sleeping hours, on-call sleeping hours, over-night shift frequency.Part3:is composed of 11 questions of the Birmingham IBS Symptoms questionnaire, where each question has a range of five answers. Result: There was significant relation between IBS and its subscales and sleep hours during overnight shift (p<0.001). IBS and its subscales were not statistically significant with usual sleeping hours/ day, nor frequency of overnight shift frequency/ month. Gender and marital status were no significant related to IBS total score. However, IBS score was significantly higher among Saudis (p=0.015). Consultant had lower IBS score than intern (p=0.038), residents (p=0.015), and specialist (p=0.031). Also, Non-surgical specialty had lower IBS score sonically than surgical specialty’s (p=0.014). Further, IBS score was found to be significantly different by hospital (p<0.001). Conclusion: Lack of sleep during overnight shifts seems to increase IBS symptoms for physicians and interns. Surgeons, gynecologists, Saudi physicians were found to be at risk for more IBS symptoms more, whereas consultant were found to be the least affected by IBS symptoms. Score of IBS varies depending on the physician’s hospital