Paper Title
The Causal Relationship Between The Entrepreneur Characteristics And Distribution Channels Factors Affecting The Success Of The Local Fermented Catfish Business

This research is a survey research with the objectives to 1) explore the characteristics of local fermented catfish business entrepreneur and distribution channels and success of local fermented catfish business; 2) analyze the direct and indirect causal factors affecting the success of local fermented catfish business. The results showed that the characteristics of the local fermented catfish business entrepreneur that affect the success depend on attitude, experience and motivation. Distribution channel factors that affect success depend on direct channel factors and the indirect channel factor indirectly the success of the local product business are: the feedback of acceptance and the increasing of customer and profit. The direct and indirect causal factors affecting the success of the local product business were found to be factors affecting the success of the local product business, namely, the factor of the entrepreneur characteristics. (Direct = 0.42 Indirect = 0.48 Total = 0.90). Distribution channel factors directly affected the success of local product businesses at .65. The structural equation model was consistent with the empirical data, with a value χ2 = 120 Df = 110 χ2 / df = 0.063 P-Value = 0.34 RMSEA = 0.027.The success of local business products should focus on the entrepreneur characteristics and distribution channel factors. Keywords - Causal Relationships, Entrepreneur Characteristics, Distribution Channels, Business Success, Local Products.