Paper Title
Trend and Pattern of FDI in Brics: An Evaluation Through Panel Data Analysis

The paper titled “Trend and Pattern of FDI in BRICS: An Evaluation through Panel Data Analysis” is organised into three parts. The first part is an introductory one, which deals with similarities, dissimilarities and FDI inflows in BRICS. The second part deals with the data and variables used for the study. The third part deals with the description of various research methodology which can be used for the study and the reasons for opting for random effects panel data regression. The fourth part narrates the results and conclusion. It brings forth interesting insights. It has been brought to light as per the analysis that GDP growth, even though it has not gathered momentum after recovering from global economic recession, remains to be one of the important determinants of FDI inflows in BRICS. Keywords - Foreign Direct Investment, BRICS, GGDP, Panel Data Analysis.