Paper Title
Striving For Gender Equality: An Empirical Study In East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Inequality relation between women and men with men’s dominance in East Lombok lead to gender inequality. The strength of patriarchal culture complicate women's opportunities to fight for their own interests. Therefore, women’s problem are often marginalized. This condition become more complicated by the low of women's participation in the development process, especially in the planning phase. For this reason, LPSDM (Lembaga Pengembangan Sumber Daya Mitra) initiate Planning and Developing Forum (musrenbang) for women as an arena to fight for women's equality. This musrenbang present as a phenomenon of the influx of grass root community in the circles of region political elite through bureaucracy channel, which is always dominate mostly by men. This research aims to explain and analyze the role of LPSDM in struggling women's musrenbang as a new arena for women's equality in East Lombok. In this research, the framework is started from women's issue that arise because the inability of conventional musrenbang in accommodating gender inequality issues, which make LPSDM initiate the establishment of the new arena for women’s struggle in terms of equality, through women's musrenbang. Although women's musrenbang can not fully replace the conventional musrenbang, they were done side by side as one of affirmative action policy in East Lombok. This research used qualitative method with a case study approach, which will generate the explanation and analysis about setting, actor's mapping, actor's interest, the process of change and the strategy that used in the change as well as the implication of those change. Keywords - Affirmative action policy, gender inequality, LPSDM , women's equality, women's musrenbang.