Paper Title
Environmental Retrofitting: Thermal Evaluation of Three Light Structure Design Scenarios for Transitional Space in Alexandria University, Egypt

Current overwhelming of heat and energy facing the health of the urban and architecture environment is considered a significant dilemma. In responding to this problem, architects and designers relying more now on quantitative and qualitative methods to approach the environmental aspects within architectural design scenarios. In spite of the complexity and uncertainty of current methods and tools used by architects to investigate environmental aspects, most of these studies are lack of the vital issues to translate these findings into architectural proposals which can effectively retrofit to existed urban environment. As part of multi-tiered research project which was dedicated to study environmental performance of existed transitional spaces in Educational buildings from urban to building scale, the paper focused to study Egyptian Revival building in Alexandria University. As multi-tiered study which was done from studying the urban fabric to the studied courtyard building within three years (2013-2015). The paper had three main goals: firstly, reviewing/examining the abilities and limitations of digital simulation methods used in this study to retrofit an existed courtyard building in Alexandria University. Secondly, applying simulation process as evaluating method for design decisions by comparing three Light Structural Models (LSM) to realize the appropriate design to existing courtyard building. Finally, propose an initial simulation indicators related to simulation findings to be used as part of aggregation of Environmental Retrofitting of Educational Buildings Index (EREBI) in Egypt. The paper settled that however the reviewed limitations of digital simulation methods, optimized simulation processes through continuous nurturing data from field measurement data can be helpful method for predicting future design scenarios. Thus, a number of limitations in such studies can be reduced or partially avoided. And the simulation results can be used for EREBI indicators to aid architects, stakeholders, and decision makers to be used as integrative method for taking decisions. Index Terms - Building Simulation, Environmental Indicators, Retrofitting Design, Transitional Spaces