Paper Title
Study of Overlying Water Nutrient Loaded From Sediment Treated By Peroxide

The aim of this research was to understandthe changes of overlying water featuressuch as dissolved oxygen (DO),pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), Chlorophylla (Chla) and nitrogen nutrients ammonia (N-NH4+),nitrate(N-NO3-), and nitrite (N-NO2-) when the sediment was treated and not treated (control) by calcium peroxidefor 5 weeks. The water samples were analyzed for physical, chemical properties and sediment for Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)analysis for identifying the microbialcommunity’s phylogenetic affiliation. Results showed that due to the addition of calcium peroxidein sediment, the overlying water was exposed the rise of dissolve oxygen, pH and ORP than control. Among the nitrogen nutrients ammonia inhibition was higher by calcium peroxide treatmentthan control but in case of nitrate inhibition, it was reversed than control.Chla was declined in treatment column by 30% when it was 20% in control column.Actibacter and Salegentibacter group were detectable in the sediment of calcium peroxidetreated when no detectable community ware found in control sediment. Both phylogenetic groupsareclosely related to marine microflora. Keywords - Oxygen release,calcium peroxide, bacteria, anoxia, remediation, nitrification.