Paper Title
Traffic Congestion Problem Of Road Networks In Kota Kinabalu

Traffic congestion is anurban mobility problem that happened when the traffic volume exceeded the capacity of the road. In this century, human population is in surge, people tend to own private vehicles which cause traffic congestion. Besides, the poor management and road facilities worsen the traffic flow. In this study, maximum flow, bottleneck and shortest path are identified. Network from Indah Permai (IP) to Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) is the scope of this study. The capacity and distance of the routes within the scope are obtained from Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (DBKK) and Google Map. With all the data, capacitated and weighted network graph formed. The objectives of this study are to find maximum flow, bottleneck and shortest path. Hence,Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, Max flow-Min cut theorem and Dijstra’s algorithm are applied. Next, the maximum flow and the shortest path problem were formulated intoa linear programming model, and solved by using excel solver in Microsoft Excel. With theresults, traffic congestion problem minimized and traffic flow became smooth. Keywords: Traffic Congestion, Maximum flow, Bottleneck, Shortest Distance