Paper Title
Analysis Of Malware Propagation In Social Network � Facebook
Social Network the Facebook is an online community of people formed on the basis of real social connections.
Facebook is commonly used by millions of people around the globe. The fact of real social connections is utilised by many
malware writers to propagate the malicious code into the Facebook. It is a potential risk which results in breach of confidential
and personal identifiable data of users whose accounts has been compromised by these malicious codes commonly known as
malware. In past recent years, Facebook was under the attack by a Trojan type of malware known as koobface. In this paper
we have discussed about different types of malware propagation in Facebook. We also identify the parameters related to
malware attacks on Facebook and verifying these parameters on a simulator. Simulator used is NetLogobased simulator.
Further, we investigate the attacking vectors of clickjacking and Trojan type of malware in Facebook. Our analysis concludes
that spreading of malware is widely affected by use of social engineering technique by exploiting the trust relationship formed
by the fact of real social relations and this raises the importance of user awareness to prevent exponential propagation of
malware. Infection of many user profiles is also done by exploiting the structure of Facebook while considering the probability
of clicking the links.
Index Terms� Facebook, Trojan, Click Jacking, XSS