Paper Title
An Integrative Prototype Model For Container Space Module And Algae Facade System

In this study, problems scattered in the building sector were picked up, using the method of applying Algae Fa�ade to the structure of container. As a first step, analyzed the transition of energy performance by fusing container construction and algae system and considered the possibility of application. More than 10 cases were analyzed, the optimum outer skin composition was selected, and the composition of the fittings was decided based on the building law and recommendation. By applying this, energy performance analysis of various combination types of containers was carried out. Comparative analysis was made between cases where the known Fa�ade was applied and cases where normal fittings were applied. This study aims at investigating the adaptability towards the future sustainable building with algae technology and testifying the energy efficiency of the algae skins by operating a couple of simulation tools to measure building performances for the proposed prototype of the fa�ade system. Index terms- Container architecture, Algae system, Energy performance, Technology integration.