Paper Title
Flocking Based Trust Management for Cloud Security
Experiencing cloud in distributed environment provides ease of access and also creates major challenge due to the low down ratio of trust factors which includes three elements like Privacy, Confidentiality and Security[1]. Managing of distributed environment is highly challenging task for service level at consumer and provider end. The attraction towards cloud services as increased vibrantly around the globe to fume up guaranteed services. The establishment of service level agreement between all the stakes of cloud management lack in communication due to aggregation knowledge of heterogeneity between different entities. Quality of Service and Security usually depends on the adaptability of the system to the heterogeneity which is a common factor in conventional system. This paper proposes the security management in heterogenic system scales up the trust factors by considering flock procedure ( idea driven by birds flock) technique as one of the criteria which drives for consumer and provider related actions underneath to cloud management in positive factors and integrating the K-factor at data sets for grouping similar sets. Later comparing the trust thresholds of consumer and providers with the proposed procedure
Key terms- Flocking, Flock center, Consumer, Provider, Trust.