Paper Title
The Extension Program of Teacher Education Institution Among State Universities and Colleges in Region 111: An Evaluation
The study described and evaluated the extension programs of Teacher Education Institutions of State Universities and Colleges in Regions III. The descriptive type of research employed questionnaire and unstructured interview as data gathering instruments. The statistical tools used were mean, percentage and frequency. The encountered problems during the implementation of extension programs had been determined by extension providers and beneficiaries. The respondents of the study were the 73 SUC extension program directors, deans, extension program chairman/coordinators, extension program implementers, and 93 extension beneficiaries. The results of the study revealed that the administrative support, material and human resources, process which includes instructional methods and strategies were evaluated as very satisfactory but financial resource was evaluated as satisfactory .In terms of output, which is the clients� satisfaction on the extension program content, methods and strategies used by service providers, speakers /trainers and materials /equipment used were evaluated very satisfactory. The TEIs of SUCs in Region III are offering very satisfactory programs. Administrators and extension workers should work together to source out more funds to add to financial resources of the TEIs extension programs and projects so that they can continue to strengthen the extension programs.
Key words- Extension, instructional method, strategies.