Paper Title
Perceived Value and Impact of Active Learning: With Emphasis on Cooperative Jigsaw Learning

Learners� perceived value of a learning system or learning method has positive effects on learners� behavior, attitude and achievement in active learning. On November 22th, 2014, the Education Minister of Japan proposed to promote �active learning� in elementary and secondary education. Active learning requires learners to learn independently, and to cooperate with others effectively with the aim to accomplish a specific goal. In an active learning situation, it is anticipated that learners might consider active learning not only an effective way to learn but also an efficient and valuable way to learn cooperatively. This study purposed to identify learners� perceived value and impact of active learning situations. As a result, 19 perceived value statements were identified as items for perceived value of active learning, and the 19 items were classified into five clusters: �enhancement of expressiveness,� �enhancement of understanding,� �broadening views,� �meta cognition,� and �mutual cooperation.� Results of the study also revealed that most of the participants considered that active learning is an effective learning method to study cooperatively.\ Keywords: Active learning, Perceived Value, Jigsaw method, Cooperative Learning, Perceived impact