Paper Title
The Deprivatization of Religion in Modern Georgia

This paper is part of a broader study �The Shock of Publicity � Conflicting Public and Private Spheres in Georgian Society�. Georgia is going through the painful process of transiting from totalitarian to democratic regimes. The study aims to analyze the role that the Georgian Orthodox Church plays in this process, namely, whether the deprivatization of religion � i.e. the presence of religion and its voice in the public sphere can be helpful to democracy. Basing our results on various types of data � researches, in-depth interviews and press analysis, we claim that the deprivatization of religion ongoing in Georgia has no implications to the process of democratization. This study will contribute to the understanding of the experiences of transitory countries, in terms of studying the ground that democracy faces in young democracies. Index Terms� Deprivatization of Religion, modernity, democratization.