Paper Title
Design and Analysis on Deep Sea Scope For Underwater Works

Underwater work has always been crucial to various discoveries and inspection. One of the most crucial aspects of underwater work is the safety and the vision of the diver and device. When it comes to underwater wet welding, it requires a higher degree of safety for the diver and also the device for underwater vision thus enabling divers to perform work under harsh conditions. The current technology used for underwater welding are divided into two categories which are using full remotely operated vehicle ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) or conventional human worker. Underwater welding using ROV is expensive but need no direct human contact. However compared to divers who perform underwater welding the cost is much cheaper but diver life is at risk. To encounter the problem faced by underwater wet welding divers, a new deep sea scope was design to be able to work in the harsh conditions under the sea. The designed sea scope must be able to withstand the deep sea pressure, produce adequate light and able to prevent leakage under deep sea conditions. Keywords� Deep Sea Scope, Underwater Work, Underwater Welding.