Paper Title
Naming Strategies as a Tool For Communication

The purpose of this study is to suggest a conceptual framework for product naming as a communication strategy and evaluate the effects of naming strategies on their market performances in order to provide managerial implications on how to name products, especially for experience goods such as movies. We suggest a conceptual framework to describe naming decisions as two-stage communication strategies and develop a two-level hierarchical Bayesian log-linear model. We applied the model to a data set consisting of viewership, names, and release dates of 634 movies released in eight countries where English is an official language. The empirical study shows that information choice decision for movie titles have significant impacts on the movie viewership, consumers prefer movie titles reducing uncertainty over movie titles intriguing them only with clues about the movie, and also the effects of �what information to include/choose into a product name� depends on �how to express them�. Index Terms- Naming Strategy, Movie, Bayesian Model