Paper Title
The Investigation Of Reflective Inquiry Based Activities� Effects On Preservice Teachers� Laboratory Self-Efficiancy Perceptions

Today�s science education reforms emphasis on constructivism and inquiry in the education systems. This research investigates the effects of Reflective Inquiry Based activities on preservice teachers� laboratory self-efficiancy perceptions. The study was conducted at a public university�s education faculty which is located in Istanbul, with Science Education Program�s second grade students in the 2010-2011 Academic Year Spring Semester. The working group was 66 preservice science teachers; 36 of them were control, 30 of them were experimental group. The applications were made by researcher in General Biology Laboratory Course II along 8 weeks, 2 hours each week with traditional approach to control group and with reflective inquiry approach to experimental group. The problem statement of the study was �Is there any statistical difference between control and experimental groups� laboratory self-efficiancy perceptions according to be taught by reflective inquiry based or traditional approaches?� Datas were collected by �Laboratory Self-Efficiancy Perception Scale� and �Reflection Skills Questions�. At the end of the study, statistically increase was found in laboratory self efficiancy perceptions and reflection skills in favor of experimental group. It was seen that reflective skills questions were also supported laboratory self-efficiancy perceptions scale findings. Keywords- Reflective Inquiry, 5E Model, Science Teacher Training, General Biology Laboratory.