Paper Title
Teacher�s Experiences With Technology Integration Into South Africanrural Classrooms

In both urban and rural schools in South African, Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are believed to enhance teaching and learning. The integration of the ICTs into curriculum delivery also affords the nation with the preparation of learners for the information age working environment. In line with this, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has been training the in-service teachers ICT skills and integration. However, while some teachers are realizing the benefits of ICTs in their classrooms and the need to prepare learners for knowledge economy, many are still lagging behind with the integration of the technologies into their pedagogies hence not being able to adequately communicate the curriculum to their learners hence depriving them of their opportunity to be equipped for the challenges of the digital age and knowledge economy working environment. Those who have adopted the technologies for teaching and learning in the rural areas are, however facing some challenges integrating the ICTs into their classrooms. This paper aims at understanding the rural district teachers� challenges on the use of the ICTs for curriculum delivery in this digital age. An interpretive research approach was used to gather data for the study. Datawere collected through focus group interviews and one-on-one in-depth interviews with teachers from two rural education districts in the Western Cape. An inductive approach was used to analyse the data. Findings of the study show that, there is a lack of competence in using the available technologies for teaching and learning due to inadequate pedagogical training and support to integrate the available ICTs in curriculum delivery. It is therefore recommended that the department of education revise the nature of training it offers to the in-service training regarding ICT integration into curriculum delivery. There is a need for teachers to get subject specific training on how to integrate new technologies into teaching.