Paper Title
Analysis the Role of Human Resource Management Manager

The purpose of this study was to analyzed and determine the human resource manager role on PT. Telkomsel Kendari. The number of samples are 59 repondents. Method of data analysis used descriptive qualitative analysis. The Result of this study was Manager of human Resource Management in PT.Telkomsel Kendari gets essential role in increasing Human Resource. The role of human Resource Management manager gets visually on strategic partner role, role as expert as administration, role as expert as employee and role as agent of deep change good category. The manager's role in auditing the organization, the process of making the right decision, giving motivator for employees and anticipate changes in the business environment due to the competition. With the management strategy, the company needs to evaluate continuously so that strategies that have been implemented by the management right and in accordance with the changing internal and external conditions of the company's current and future. Keywords� Human Resource Management.