Paper Title
Analyzing of Children�s Songs According to Values

Music penetrates into the inner world of man. Music has an important place in human life. Children�s songs inspire the love of music in children and improve their musical skills and at the same time, teach national values and societal rules, contribute to their personality development, make children feel happier, foster interpersonal communication and particularly contribute to the cognitive and linguistic development of children at early ages. Children�s songs play an important role in imparting values to children. There are many classifications in value education. Values are included into Turkish Curriculum. Research on children�s songs has mostly focused on their musical characteristics; hence, there is a greater need for the analysis of songs in terms of their content. In this regard, the problem statement of the study is expressed as follows: �What is the distribution of the songs from TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) popular children�s songs competitions according to values in Turkish curriculum?� Keywords- Children songs, values.