Paper Title
Algorithm and Programming Teaching With Flipped Learning: A Higher Education Study

A method commonly referred to as flipped learning in the literature is an approach based on students� learning theoretical subjects with course materials provided before the course and performing a large number of applications in the classroom. In this approach, homework changes its place with the lesson in the traditional method. It can be said that flipped learning is built on two important components. These are pre-learning and classroom activities. Within the scope of this study, a learning environment developed and implemented for the Algorithm and Programming course according to flipped learning is examined. The study was carried out with 220 students studying at the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Programming of Aksaray University. While the flipped learning method was applied in the experimental group, face to face education was performed in the control group. Following the pilot application, interactive videos were developed for the 8-week study and a video was shared with the students in the experimental group through the learning content management system. One of the issues investigated within the scope of the study conducted is the effect of flipped learning on the academic achievements of the students. In this context, a 40-item academic achievement test was developed. The average difficulty of the test was calculated as .42. The KR-20 coefficient calculated for the academic achievement test prepared was found to be .82. This value demonstrates that there are no errors in the test and therefore its reliability is high. At the end of the implementation, the academic achievement test developed was applied to the experimental and control groups. The average scores of the experimental and control groups obtained after the implementation were analyzed using the independent samples t-test. The significance value of the t-test result was determined to be .003. The difference between the average scores was observed to be significant in favor of the experimental group. According to these results, it can be said that flipped learning is a method that increases student success. Keywords� Flipped Learning, Academic Achievement, Coding Education, Higher Education.