Paper Title
Biological Control of Aflatoxin Induced-Oxidative Stress in Albino Rats

Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi and contaminate various agricultural commodities, which may cause economic losses at all levels of food and feed production. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the protective role of bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes crude extracts against aflatoxin B1(AFB1)-induced oxidative stress in ratsfor 2weeks. Female Sprague�Dawley rats were divided into fourteen groups (6 rats/group) including the control group and the groups treated orally with bioactive extracts low dose (250 �g/kg body weight) and with bioactive extracts high dose (500 �g/kg body weight) as well as groups treated orally withbioactive extracts with AFB1. At the end of the treatments, blood and tissue samples were collected for biochemical and histological studies. The results indicated that AFB1 alone induced a significant decrease in body weight and a significant increase in urea, GOT, GPT, MDA, and nitric oxide in serum and in liver and kidney accompanied with a significant decrease in total antioxidant capacity. Treatments with crude extracts succeeded to induce a significant improvement in all the biochemical parameters. These results are considered promising and are considered as the first report to isolate microorganisms from the Egyptian environment with important biological activities. Keywords: Toxicity, Aflatoxin, Oxidative Stress, Liver And Kidney Disease, Biological Activities