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Digital Literacy Skills For Developing Learning Ability of Undergraduate Students: A Qualitative Interview Approach

Digital literacy is an essential skill for enhancing university learning in a digital-based, global economic environment. Graduates must be knowledgeable workers, and therefore must have digital literacy skills to accomplish job tasks efficiently. This research studied 12 indicators of digital literacy skills through a qualitative research method to determine the most effective way to develop Thai undergraduate students. The informants were 42 undergraduate students at a public university and a private university selected through purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were employed to collect data from the volunteers. The interviews focused on three themes: definition and essentials of digital literacy; perception and performance of digital literacy in academic life; and digital literacy indicators needing improvement. The research data was summarized by content analysis. Results revealed six indicators of digital literacy needing improvement: invention, presentation, creativity, evaluation, legal literacy and safeguarding self. The students also proposed ways to improve themselves by seeking support from friends, faculty members, IT staff and librarians.