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Developing a Massive Open Online Course by Cmap-Tool

This study explores how Concept Mapping helped to develop the content of a Massive Open Online Course. This course namely Decision Making is offered by Obuda University. The main objective of this course was to define the key concepts of decision making and helping contextualization of these concepts. A crucial aspect of developing this course was supporting the learning process by different types of materials, for example video lectures, texts and comic strips. Firstly some decision dilemmas were defined and an initial Cmap was created. Secondly some dramas was chosen to understand decision makers� catharsis and the initial Cmap was reconstructed. Thirdly some scenarios were prepared to comic strips. In every steps the reconstruction of Cmap helped to find the connections between the key concepts of decision making. Index Terms� Cmap, Decision Making, Dilemmas, MOOC.