Paper Title
Germinated Cereals Drying Using Hot Air Fluidization Technique Combined With Halogen Lamp

The germinated cereals have many nutrients, especially, the γ-amino�butyric acid. The germination process causes the high moisture content withincereals. Thus, the objective of this research was to study the germinated cereals drying using hot air fluidization technique combined with halogen lamp (HH). The minimumsuperficial air velocity of fluidization (Vmin),the drying kinetics and the qualities of germinated cereals were investigated.In experiment, the germinated paddy (GP) and germinated bambara groundnut (GBG) were dried in the range temperature of 90-150�Ctill cereals had the suitable moisture content. Study results showed that the GBG had the Vmin higher than GP due to the larger size. The GABA content of GP and GBG elevated about 15 and6 times as compared with paddy and bambara groundnut, respectively. The increment of drying temperature caused the increased drying rate and led to the decrease of head rice yield (HRY) of GP, especially, at 130�C and the deterioration of GABA within GBG. The microorganismsquantities of both cerealswere decreasedto thesafe level for food.GP and GBG color insignificant difference from the commercial paddy and groundnut, excepting, the a* value. Index Terms� Germinated paddy, Germinated bambara groundnut, Fluidized bed drying, Halogen.